Notas detalladas sobre defillama

Notas detalladas sobre defillama

Blog Article

DefiLlama, while being a prominent platform for tracking the total value locked in various DeFi projects, has several sobresaliente competitors in the space.

The trading volume over the past 24 hours offers insights into the recent activity and liquidity in the DeFi sector. High trading volumes often indicate increased interest and activity, while sudden drops suggest caution or market shifts.

Descomposición exhaustivos de TVL: alpargata datos sobre más de 3000 aplicaciones DeFi, lo que permite a los usuarios evaluar la TVL y descubrir oportunidades de inversión prometedoras.

DeFiLlama is an analytical platform that collects, processes, and presents all the necessary information in Existente-time across the board of DeFi protocols. Here’s a simplified breakdown of how DeFiLlama works:

Proporciona métricas cruciales como el valor total here bloqueado (TVL), los rendimientos en la condena y los ingresos del protocolo a través de múltiples blockchains, incluyendo Ethereum y Binance Smart Chain.

TVL is a pivotal metric in the DeFi space. It indicates the amount of assets committed to a particular DeFi project.

Tal y como muestra el siguiente Dibujo, el crecimiento del sector de las finanzas descentralizadas desde 2018 es exponencial.

DefiLlama, currently the largest DeFi TVL aggregator, is dedicated to delivering accurate and comprehensive data on all known Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains. The platform presents this data in user-friendly charts and graphs.

DefiLlama es una herramienta de Disección que muestra datos en tiempo Vivo sobre proyectos DeFi, tales como el TVL.

 MDTAcademy no actúa en calidad de asesor financiero ni de ningún tipo. La información aquí ofrecida se expone a título meramente educativo y no constituye ninguna recomendación de inversión.

Therefore, it is important to have a centralized place such as DeFiLlama because this facilitates access to information, including protocol updates.

It aggregates data from multiple sources and offers a wide range of tools to perform in-depth fundamental analysis of the wider DeFi sector and individual decentralized applications (dapps).

DeFiLlama is crucial for decentralized finance because it is a complete analytical toolkit. The world of DeFi is constantly expanding and changing, with new protocols emerging daily.

This service would be free, distinguishing DefiLlama from other platforms that might charge for premium insights or skew data with sponsored content.

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